Brad Sugars, an Australian entrepreneur, founded ActionCOACH in 1993. Brad was one of the early pioneers in the business coaching industry. Today ActionCOACH continues as the industry leader, nearly 10 times the size of its closest competitor in total revenues. With over 1,000 offices in 80 countries, Brad continues to lead the company. He has become a sought-after author, speaker and coach.
The Colorado Territory is led by Head Coach and Master Licensee Michael Feinner and was founded in 2001. He joined ActionCOACH in 2001 looking for a business that could provide a more meaningful life balance and harmony than what is offered in the corporate world.
Michael makes all final decisions regarding franchise awards and Michael will answer any questions you may have, as he is the primary point of contact.
ActionCOACH Colorado franchise partners have been internationally recognized over the years as top performers in several categories including; ‘Hall of Fame Coaches’, ‘Master Coaches’, ‘Global Trainers’, ‘Action Man of the Year’ and ‘Coach of the Year’ in both the US and Globally.

ActionCOACH delivers proven business development systems to thousands of business owners every month. Clients work with their business coach to help them free up more time, build better teams, and make more money. The goal is to help every client create a lifestyle they sought when they first went into business for themselves.
The ActionCOACH franchise offers you the opportunity to leverage your extensive business experience and skillsets. That, combined with the proven ActionCOACH systems, provides for a powerful combination that will greatly contribute to your success as a franchise owner; success that will be measured by the impact you have working with business owners in your local community.
ActionCOACH is uniquely positioned to offer services to its clients through its local Franchise Partners. This has been a key reason ActionCOACH has been named the #1 business coaching firm ranked by Entrepreneur Magazine every year since 2004.

At ActionCOACH Colorado, we’re excited about bringing on new business coaching franchise partners so we can help more local business owners across Colorado. Founded with the goal of looking for the positives in every situation and helping businesses to grow, ActionCOACH Colorado is passionate about the impact our work has on each of our communities. After all, when we help businesses, we’re also helping their employees, their customers, their vendors and ultimately this impacts the local economy.
Backed by a reputation for getting consistent results and ROI for our clients, we are looking for more like-minded, growth-oriented people to join our team in Colorado. Truly, we are looking for people with passion, people with heart, who have the desire to help people, while building a hugely successful business coaching practice or firm.
From business basics to the goals that every business owner has, ActionCOACH Colorado is dedicated to using our knowledge and proven systems to help formulate a customized plan for every business owner we work with. Our franchise partners are there to provide guidance, support, and sometimes inspiration.
Contact us today to learn more about becoming a franchise partner, a business opportunity that would allow you to begin building your own ActionCOACH franchise firm or practice.